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Flow & Restore: Nervous System Reset

  • JP Centre Yoga Online Zoom United States (map)

Flow & Restore: Nervous System Reset

Join yoga therapist Alex Bauermeister for a Flow & Restore style practice rooted in trauma-informed, nervous-system-responsive self care. Mindful flow, restorative stillness, and self-reflective meditation. Alex's teaching style includes options and choices to help you attune to your own body, energy, and nervous system throughout the class. It’s a way of showing up for yourself, so you can show up for the world.

WHEN | Friday May 14th | 5-6:30pm EST
This workshop will be hosted virtually through Zoom.  A recording will be available for 48 hours in case you are not able to attend the live event.

HELPFUL PROPS | 2 blocks, strap/scarf, 2 blankets, plus pillows, bolsters or cushions are all helpful. Eye pillows, weighted blankets, massage balls, or any other extras are welcome. For ideas on gathering your own yoga props at home, check out:

COST | Just as with our weekly classes, we offer tiered pricing for this workshop.

$25 (Supporting Level)
$20 (Sustaining Level)
$15 (Supported Level)