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Restorative Yoga: Nervous System Soothing

  • JP Centre Yoga Online Zoom United States (map)

Join yoga therapist Alex Bauermeister for a gentle practice that blends restorative yoga, meditation, and trauma-informed mindfulness. Together, we will cultivate space for metabolizing physical, emotional, mental, and energetic stress, to emerge refueled, rebalanced, and reinspired. This is a practice of self care to bring forward our most resilient selves, in service of our own wellbeing, and the wellbeing of our relationships and communities.

Join yoga therapist Alex Bauermeister for a gentle practice that blends restorative yoga, meditation, and trauma-informed mindfulness. Together, we will cultivate space for metabolizing physical, emotional, mental, and energetic stress, to emerge refueled, rebalanced, and reinspired. This is a practice of self care to bring forward our most resilient selves, in service of our own wellbeing, and the wellbeing of our relationships and communities.

WHEN | Saturday, April 24th | 2:30 - 3:45pm EST 
This workshop will be held virtually through Zoom.  A recording will be available for 48 hours, so you can practice on your own time if you can't attend the live event.

WHAT TO EXPECT | Restorative yoga uses gentle, floor-based, prop-supported poses with long holds (5-10 minutes per posture). Practice will end with meditative self-reflection so that you can take some wisdom off your mat and into day-to-day life.

WHO THIS CLASS IS FOR | This class is appropriate for many levels of experience and ability, including beginners and those who are looking to build a restorative home practice. Alex provides options and variations in her teaching so that you can personalize your practice to the needs, realities, and preferences of your body and nervous system. This includes your own creative license to stay in poses longer, leave poses sooner, to add more movement or sensation, and to substitute poses.

WHAT YOU’LL NEED | Please outfit yourself for virtual home practice with a range of restorative props, including 2 yoga blocks, 1 strap, 1 bolster, several pillows, and 2-4 blankets. Many of these can be found around your home, and some might be worth acquiring. Sandbags, weighted blankets, and eye pillows are also wonderful optional additions to personalize your practice. You can browse images online for inspiration, or check out this blog on making your own yoga props:

INVESTMENT | Just as with our weekly classes, we offer tiered pricing for this workshop.

$25 (Supporting Level)
$20 (Sustaining Level)
$15 (Supported Level)

We offer a 50% discount on all payment options for students who identify as Black, Indigenous and People of Color (use promo code wellnessequity). We don’t assume that all who identify as BIPOC require or want financial support to access yoga. For those who do, we see this as an additional structural step that we can take to address the long standing racial inequities and patterns of oppression that have existed in wellness and yoga spaces. We ask that this code is not used by white allies.