The Power of Your Practice

Bend so we don't break Alex Bauermeister Yoga Therapy.jpg

What's the most powerful moment in your yoga practice? 

Hint: it's not headstand. It's not savasana. It's not the moment you touch your toes.

The most powerful moment in your yoga practice happens *off* the mat. That moment you catch yourself holding your breath, and you decide to breathe deeper. That moment you catch yourself getting furious, and you decide to witness the emotion instead of pouring gasoline on it and striking a match. That moment you catch yourself actively isolating into a cocoon of depression, and you decide to reach out for connection. That moment you catch yourself running with assumptions, and you decide to ask a truth-seeking question.

That is yoga in action. Those are the moments that change your life. One tiny shift at a time. And all the yoga *on* the mat is just practice, strengthening the parts of your brain that can WITNESS, CHOOSE and ACT creatively in key moments of your life.

So, let's practice. At a glance, here's what's happening: