Unstick your brain
Dear One,
Like many of you, my brain sometimes gets stuck.
Brains get stuck in all sorts of ways. Sometimes, they get stuck on thoughts. Repetitive, intrusive, spiral-y, persistent, can't-think-your-way-out thoughts.
Sometimes, brains get stuck in flashbacks. Emotional, somatic, nervous system flashbacks, where they are stuck in an old, familiar, can't-think-your-way-out stress responses.
Whether you're trying to support your stuck brain on the yoga mat or in the psychotherapy chair (or on the psychotherapy MAT if you're working with a mind-body nerd like me), there's a common foundational skill.
The skill is: Being. Existing. Breathing into the moment.
Training your brain to STOP compulsively contorting itself out of its own pain.
To differentiate between the raw emotion your brain is sensing, and the creative get-me-the-hell-out-of-here behaviors your brain reaches for in response. And to widen the space between feeling and reacting, so that new behavioral choices are born.
If joining me on the yoga mat is where you get your brain care, join me for Flow & Restore classes Thursdays and Befriending Stillness Restorative + Bodywork this Saturday evening.
If you're curious about professional training to incorporate mind-body-nervous system skills in your work with students, clients or patients, join the fall cohort for 35 hours of Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy Training! Free Info Session this Thursday after Flow & Restore class, virtual or in-person.
More details below.
Un-sticking my brain alongside you,
Flow & Restore drop-in classes with me are Thursdays at 5:45-7pm, in-person and livestream/recorded at JP Centre Yoga.
Free Info Session for the Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy Training is this Thursday, 9/12 at 7-8pm, in-person at JPCY or livestream/recorded! Sign up, and attend the 5:45pm Flow & Restore class before-hand if you haven't practiced with me yet.
Befriending Stillness Radically Restorative Yoga workshop is this Saturday 9/14, from 6:30-8pm (note the evening time slot!), also in-person and livestream/recorded at JP Centre Yoga. Sign up to secure your spot!
Trauma-Informed Yoga Therapy Training starts next week, Thursday 9/19! Get all the details for the 35hr professional training here. Reach out with any questions! This training is designed for clinical therapists, as well as yoga teachers and yoga therapists. However, the first half of the training is also open to other professionals who want to get foundational training in trauma-informed mindsets to inspire their life and work.
PS: If you do the Instagram thing, let's connect at @alexbauermeisteryogatherapy. And for some music to help you ride the waves of this time, check out my public playlists on Spotify under abauermeister. And ... I always love hearing how these newsletters land with you. Send me a note to say hi!