Going beyond the pose

Dear One,


There will come a time in your practice when it feels like the yoga isn't "working" anymore.

This is when the yoga starts working YOU.

You see, therapeutic yoga and mindfulness practices work. They put us back in touch with our selves, our bodies, our truth. We become decompartmentalized, re-wired, and more fully integrated human beings. We change. But the context, setting, and circumstance of our lives (or yoga practice) might still be the same. And then we start to rub up against the friction of growing beyond our own status quo.

This is when your yoga starts asking more of you than just moving your physical body into a pose. It whispers, "Take me off the mat. Have that hard conversation. Start searching for that new job that aligns with your values. Be more loving. Question that old story. Investigate deeper. Take that action."

When you start to look beyond the pose, the layers of self-inquiry are never-ending. I hope you'll join me on the wild ride of becoming. Keep reading to find workshops, trainings and other resources to support you in your process.

From my mat to yours,
