The cure of connection
Dear One,
Coming back into our bodies after years of disembodiment can be kind of ouchy.
See, there's a reason why you disconnected from yourself. At some point, disembodiment and disconnection was the only option. You probably didn't even realize all the parts of yourself that were shutting down to cope. You didn't know how many of your cravings, choices, compulsions and needs were motivated by simply needing to feel less of the pain.
In the face of persistently sneaky and complex trauma, our wiring somehow makes us shoulder the burden of it all. It's like the only thing that makes sense is that we somehow did it wrong, and the only way out is to make it go away. But often that means making parts of ourselves go away too.
Therapeutic yoga and trauma-informed mindfulness is one of the ways we can come back to ourselves. To re-integrate with the parts of yourself locked away long ago. To feel your body again. Possibly even to feel and finally digest the backlogged body sensations, emotions and energy currents that were too big, too impossible to feel at their origination. And to build resiliency for meeting your future with openness, courage, and trust. So that next time sh*t goes wrong, you can ultimately override the urge to disconnect, and instead find cure in connection.
Every time you practice, it's a chance to hold space for yourself, wherever you're at in your reconnection process. Below you’ll find upcoming workshops to help you step into that space.
With love and appreciation,
~ Alex