Soul Nectar for the New Year
Dear One,
People often talk about spiritual practice as a coping and resiliency tool. I like to think about it as the rituals and practices that help us feel deeply embodied, connected to ourselves and others, and help us find meaning amidst the chaotic (and the mundane).
The movements, words, thoughts, emotions, and breathing patterns that help us feel our wholeness. The heightened awareness of higher self. The presence of our own deeper presence.
The practices that shift our nervous system into a state of trust, rather than defensive apprehension. The resulting softened outlook on the world that makes everything feel a bit more manageable.
If your soul is craving a little nectar, SIGN UP for New Year's Awakening Saturday 12/31. You can join live at JP Centre Yoga or online from 4-5:30pm ET, or register for the livestream option to get recording access for 48hrs.
And for those of you who want to strengthen those neural pathways throughout January, join me for the *virtual* weekly Winter Self-Care Series. We'll focus on weekly themes and realistic practices, and prioritize ways to metabolize stress cycles in your day to day. You can join live on Zoom Thursdays from 6-7pm ET, and/or utilize the recording for a whole week! Sign up here.
Sliding scale and BIPOC equity discounts are always standard at JP Centre Yoga. Just look out for instructions when registering!
<3 Alex