Protective, not defective

Dear One,

Sometimes we're so good at adapting to the world that we forget to remember what we're missing.

So. If you don't love who you are right now, there's a reason. If you don't love how you're coping right now, there's a reason. In survival mode, what seems defective is actually protective, as Resmaa Menakem would say.

You might feel very far away from yourself. Self-care is about getting closer to yourself, coming back towards the part of you that can be steady, sturdy, and flexible beneath the waves. It's a freakin' discipline.

Some ways to practice coming back to ourselves this week: Anti-Oppression Office Hours Wednesdays, and Flow & Restore this Friday for a Nervous System Reset (with unlimited replays for 2 weeks).

Right there in the practice with you.


PS: If you'd like to connect on Instagram, follow @alexbauermeisteryogatherapy. And for some music to help you ride the waves of this time, check out my public playlists on Spotify under abauermeister.

[Virtual yoga classes and human growth offerings for nervous system regulation and transformation]

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