Your inner software update
Dear One,
As you go through this life, you'll sometimes find yourself with your protective responses stuck in the ON position.
Your protective responses are AMAZING. Every manifestation of your fight/flight/freeze response is designed to keep you safer, less vulnerable and more protected, no matter what the unintended consequences might be.
But those protective responses were probably designed by a younger nervous system that had less power, fewer options and more vulnerabilities than you do now. The unintended consequences might be getting in the way of your current life and relationships. So every few years, we need to download a software update to our nervous system's protective responses. We must design new ways to keep ourselves safer, well-boundaried and aligned with our integrity.
Yoga Therapy helps to create an inner software update by recalibrating your body, mind and emotional connections and reactions. When working with yoga therapy clients, one of the first interventions on the mat is often to appreciate those protective responses for the services they have provided throughout your life.
Like, wow, Inner Critic, you're really trying to look out for me by anticipating anything bad anyone else could say! Thanks for that.
Oh sweet generalized anxiety. You're doing a great job trying to alert me about all the dangers of the world. I hear you.
Hey there shutdown response, it's so kind how you try to buffer me from the pain of the world. I appreciate you.
Hello inner dragon slayer, thanks for trying to protect me when you get into fight mode like that. Let's see if we can find other ways to honor my boundaries.
When we meet our protective responses with appreciation, we start to differentiate between our fight/flight/freeze software and our actual true nature. And when we start to nourish, feed and amplify our true nature, we can follow an inner compass that's calibrated to wisdom, not fear.
From my nervous system to yours,